If you're a Silicon Valley ISSA member, please remember that we have several board positions coming up for elections and we welcome anyone who wants to join the board to submit a nomination. The positions open are Vice President; Treasurer; Communications Director; and Membership Director. If you're interested, please send a profile with a current biography, photo, and brief description on what your goals for the role will be to elections@sv-issa.org
Open positions are:
- Vice President
- Membership Director
- Communications Director
- Treasurer
The current timeline is:
- 1/17 - Establish nominating committee and solicit nominations
- 2/21 – Nomination Committee announces nominations
- 2/28 – Ballots are distributed
- 3/14 – Election is closed
- 3/21 – Results are announced
Send your nominations to elections@sv-issa.org
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