We know that passing audit and owning a shelf full of products is no inoculation against being hacked, but why? What creates that gap between the penetration test we pay for, and the ones attackers run against us everyday? Using real world examples and a Q&A session with a hacker we’ll discuss strategies for aligning the adversary you train for with the one you actually face.
Tony Gambacorta, VP Operations
With more than 15 years of experience in data communications and security, Tony is passionate about ruining the bad guy’s day. At Synack he leads Operations. Prior to joining the team Tony headed up field operations for SilverTail Systems (acquired by RSA), where his team was responsible for thwarting business logic abuse, money laundering and fraud. He’s held a range of positions in mobile data and remote monitoring, including launching support operations for Bytemobile (acquired by Citrix). Currently, he is focused on developing new strategies and novel applications for crowd security intelligence.