Industry conferences and professional literature give examples of successful software security programs, but those examples are usually of the largest, most security-conscious companies in the marketplace. These Wall Street banks and independent software vendors, such as Microsoft and Adobe, have mature software security programs that have been in place for years and have driven best practices for developing more secure code. Benchmarking tools capture successes of these companies, but leave most organizations wondering, “What about us? How can we build a software security program on a limited budget, with little resources?” Unfortunately, the state of software security outside these top companies is vastly different. In many organizations, software security champions still struggle to justify resources and head count, and find themselves substantially behind their more sophisticated companies. What can a security leader reasonably do to build a successful software security program in the small enterprise or upper mid-market space? What can they do to build more secure code when regulatory scrutiny or the publicity of product breaches is not yet a business consideration? This presentation will represent what these companies are doing, and what one can do to define success.
John Dickson is a Principal at Denim Group, Ltd, a 20-year career security professional, an entrepreneur, and a serial volunteer. John is Past President and Founder of the Alamo Chapter of the ISSA, which won the Chapter of the Year award in 2011. John’s background includes hands-on experience with network security, intrusion detection systems and software security. He helps Chief Security Officers of Fortune 500 and federal organizations launch software initiatives. He is currently the honorary commander of the 67th Network Warfare Wing, which organizes, trains and equips cyberspace forces to conduct network defense, attack and exploitation.
John has a strong history of non-profit leadership outside the ISSA and security worlds. In addition to being a full-time security professional and running Denim Group, John is currently President Elect of the Texas Lyceum, a statewide leadership group which includes well-known alumni such as President George W. Bush and Governor Rick Perry. He is also a Past Chairman of the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, and past Chairman of the San Antonio Technology Accelerator Initiative, a community-wide advocating technology businesses in the region.
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